Saturday, May 5, 2007

Final Notes

It has been a long semester, with many trials and tribulations for Hamsterbot. This post wraps up the ideas and goals I had for Hamsterbot, and the choices made along the way.

The general approach to building Hamsterbot came in a few steps.

The first step was getting mouse movement to control the movement of Hamsterbot. The approach used was to take the distance the mouse moved in short periods of time and translate that into motion. The location of the mouse could be found through Python functions, and the cursor could be reset to the center of the screen through available Windows interfaces. One choice made at this stage was to translate change in y as translational velocity and change in x as angular velocity. It is not clear if this is the optimal way to compute movement(in fact it seems unlikely), but it was a straightforward approxmation which behaves normally for most types of movement.

The second step was how to capture the movement of the hamster ball. This was done by placing an optical mouse directly under the ball, which would then record the movement of the ball. This was a very easy solution, and it worked perfectly, except for the issues brought up by the next step.

A large issue with this was the amount of friction it caused on the hamster ball. In fact, the friction was so great that there was no hope of a hamster actually being able to rotate the ball, when situated on Hamsterbot. An excellent future solution to this problem (given sufficient supplies) would be mounting the hamster ball on a ring of ball bearings, with the mouse below this setup. Then the mouse could still easily be used to track the ball, while the ball would be able to freely rotate thanks to the bearings.

The final issue was the smoothing of Hamsterbot's motion. This consisted mainly of the jerking starting and stopping, as well as Hamsterbot's penchant for ramming into walls at full speed. The jerking was fixed by taking the average of Hamsterbot's current velocity and the velocity read from the ball, resulting in less extreme acceleration in general. This also put an end to immediate stops, replacing them with gradual deceleration. The speed issue was fixed by putting an upper and lower bound on Hamsterbot's speed. This ensured that all ball movement actually moved the robot, as well as preventing excessive speeding (and hamster injuries).

Final Comments
The Hamsterbot project was a wonderful learning experience, and a lot of fun. If I had another try, or if I were to continue on with the project, there are a few areas I'd focus my effort on.

I would have loved to install some ball bearings and actually get a hamster controlling Hamsterbot. This was one shortcoming which was dissapointing, if only because the solution is just a few appropriate parts away. Additionally, there remain some "interesting" behaviors that emerge in Hamsterbot that are not present in the simulation, which I'd be interested to determine the source of.

Overall, working on a robot like this was an amazing learning experience. The chance to integrate many of the ideas we discussed in class into a single, unified system was a great challenge, and proved very rewarding. It truly has been a pleasure.

Demo Day!

Here are links to a few new videos for the Hamsterbot. They show the uncompromising courage with which Hamsterbot plows into walls in the interest of scientific progress.

More Walls
Hamster ball malfunctions

You will notice that the ball part of Hamsterbot is a little picky about when it wants to work correctly.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Future Ideas

Here's a short list of ideas for the further development of the HamsterBot. Currently, the robot can react to the mouse correctly, and has fairly good MCL mapping abilities, courtesy of the directional bump sensor. Unfortunately it is a very jerky platform, and it doesn't use all the sensors avaliable to the robot in its MCL model. Goals for the remaining part of the semester, include:

- Smoothing acceleration
- Setting minimum and maximum allowable velocity
- Including cliff sensor data in the MCL model
- Replacing the hamsterball (the old one had to be returned)

For now, these seem to be a good start. If these are accomplished quickly, there's always the idea of adding an offboard camera to track the roomba's progress, and perhaps even automatically generate the map used for MCL.

More media will be available shortly once the hamsterball is replaced and I can try more test runs.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Solving Set

Our latest project was to create an image processing program which could play the game Set (rules here). The hardest part of this assignment was recognizing the cards and their four attributes: color, number of figures, texture and shape. We did this in the following way.

Since the images of the cards were all taken under imperfect lighting, we were forced to determine color very carefully. We ended up using the RGB value of each pixel in the image, and if one of those three colors was significantly high, and all the rest were low, then we colored it that dominant color. This worked well enough that we could take the entire image once this was done and whichever color was the most popular, that was the color of that Set card, and have accurate results.

Number of Figures
To determine the number of figures on a card, we took the leftmost pixel which was not a part of the background, and the rightmost pixel which was not background. We then looked at the difference of these two points, and if they were close, we knew there was only one figure, if they were very far, there were three figures, and if they were in the middle there was one. It seems simple, but the approach worked very well and was quite easy to code!

Texture was a bit of a strange problem. We identified solid figures first. To do this, we just calculated the average number of colored pixels per figure. For the figures which were solid, this number was much higher than non-solid figures, so we could easily identify solid shapes. To identify the shaded figures, we discovered that the shaded sections of the images had distinctively lower values for all three colors than unshaded sections. So we colored these yellow in our processed image to set them apart.

We counted up all the yellow pixels, and if this number was sufficiently high, we declared that figure to be shaded. Finally, if a figure was neither solid nor shaded, we declared it hollow.

The hardest problem was determining shape. We finally decided to measure the horizontal distance across the shape at a given height to determine the shape. We calculated this height by first finding the highest colored pixel in the image. Then we looked 30 pixels below that to measure the width of the figure. This allowed us to keep a consistent measurement even when the images were centered differently from each other. The diamonds had the smallest width, then came the squiggles, then finally the capsules were the largest. We had to allow some special cases to measure 3 figures correctly, as well as to measure the different shapes accurately, but this method turned out to be extremely accurate, with a very small average difference in width between images with the same shape, even when they had different numbers of figures, and/or had different textures.

Our solutions ended up being significantly uglier and much more hackish than we had anticipated, but we still found value in the process. In an ideal world, the processes of opening and closing could have been used to determine texture, and some sort of shape evaluations could have been used for finding shape, but these results were simpler, and at least in the case of shape, probably much more accurate than what we would have achieved otherwise.

Finally, our image processing is dependent on the figures being centered in the image, or very close. This was an unfortunate limitation we were not able to avoid, and seems like it would be a natural problem for any vision based system. The software is only as accurate as the pictures it is processing.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Monte Carlo Localization!

In robotics, localization is the task of determining one's location within a known environment, given available sensory data. Theoretically, if a robot knows its starting position and how many times its wheels have rotated, it should be able to calculate its resulting position on a map. Unfortuneately, due to real-world factors like wheel slippage, there is a significant amount of uncertainty in this odometric data, so a robot needs to gather and reason about other sensory information in order to keep better track of its own position.

With HamsterBot, we implemented an algorithm called Monte Carlo Localization, or MCL for short, which lets the robot figure out where it is on a map.

You can read the original paper on MCL at this page, or a short description of it at Wikipedia. The general idea of it is to first guess where the robot is. Then when the robot moves, we take each of these guesses, called particles, and move them through the map in roughly the same way that the odometric data indicates, but with small random variations for each particle. Next we compare the current sensor data from the robot to simulated sensor data for each particle, and assign a probability to the particle based on how close the two sensor readings are. See the post on Motion and Sensing Models for more information on how positions and probabilities were assigned. Finally we resample the particles based on their assigned probabilities, so that high probability particles tend to be multiplied and low probability particles tend to die off. Then the process starts over. In this way, we can get what we hope is a good idea of where the robot is within our map.

Currently, Hamsterbot uses just its bump sensor. In the videos of our demo, you can see the robot bumping into walls, and on the screen, all the yellow particles not touching a wall dissapear, because we know they aren't accurate representations, given the bump we just experienced.

Our MCL algorithm in particular has some cool features to keep the robot on track. Should none of our particles correspond to the sensor data from our robot, then we create all new particles, and spread them across the map, hoping one of them will be close to the actual robot. In the future, we are going to also make sure these all new particles match the current sensor data from the robot...if the robot is bumping something, there's no point in creating particles far away from any walls!

This particular algorithm is something that will likely have many upgrades in the near future, but for now, it's the brains of our Hamsterbot!

Check out Video #0 to see the real HamsterBot and a good example of MCL in action. Below is a movie of a simulated Roomba running MCL. The red dot indicates the actual robot position, the blue dot is the odometric data, and the yellow dots are our MCL particles.

MCL Motion and Sensing Models

The first step in MCL involves updating particle positions with respect to our motion model:
Given the current and previous poses reported by odometric data, we extract the distance and angle at which the robot should have moved. We then scale the distance by 1 ± p for some percent error p. The angles are randomized within a constant tolerance, c, of their values. By trial and error we found that values of 50% and .5 degrees, for p and c respectively, works quite well for the simulated roomba with a simulated noise factor of 2.5%.

The next step involves comparing robot sensory data with what each particle would sense from its pose in the given map. We used the following cases for assigning probabilities:

1. Robot bumps left and right
---> If the particle bumps left and right, it gets our maximum probability value: 0.9
---> If the particle bumps only on one side, we find the minimum angle, a, that it would need to rotate in order to register both left and right bumps, and assign a probability of (1-a/pi)*0.9.
---> If the particle is not touching any walls, we take a range reading, d, from its pose, and assign a probability of (1/(d+1))*0.9

2. Robot bumps on either left or right, but not both
---> If the particle bumps on the same side and not both, it gets probability 0.9
---> If the particle bumps on both sides, it gets 0.75*0.9
---> If the particle bumps on the opposite side, it gets 0.5*0.9
---> If the particle is not touching any walls, we take a range reading, d, from its position, at a 45 degree angle left or right, as appropriate, of its heading and assign a probability of (1/(d+1))*0.9

3. Robot is not bumping
---> If the particle is not bumping, it gets 0.9
---> If it is bumping, it gets 0.9 / N, where N is the number of particles.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

HamsterBot Videos

See HamsterBot 1.0 being steered by mouse and hamsterball controls, and running MCL!
Video #0
Video #1
Video #2